
Making Blue Monday Brighter

Blue Monday

The third Monday of the month is also known as Blue Monday. On this particular Monday some people believe it is the gloomiest day of the year.

Thought up by psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall, Blue Monday, is believed to be the day that we feel sad due to a number of variables including debt, failed New Year’s resolutions, the weather and low levels of motivation.

However, it’s important that we look at the positive things in life in order to help us feel happy, content, and effectively overcome obstacles. Here are four simple ways to make Blue Monday brighter!

1. Prioritise wellbeing

Maintaining wellbeing is fundamental to overall health, building resilience and achieving the things you want out of life. Give yourself permission to prioritise your wellbeing; take regular breaks, stay hydrated, stretch your legs and give yourself time to switch off at the end of the day are just a few examples.

Visit the OptiMe app for more wellbeing advice and techniques.

2. Enjoy the blue sky (or even grey) to help boost Serotonin levels.

Light boosts serotonin which promotes feelings of positivity and happiness. Some people find that that low light in winter can lead to low energy levels and low mood.

Getting outdoors today for 10-20 minutes on your lunch break will help make a difference – even on a dull day light intensity is greater outside than it is indoors.

3. Practice gratitude

Gratitude helps shift your focus from what you feel is missing in your life, to appreciating what is already present. When you practice gratitude regularly you tap into neuroplasticity which strengthens positive new brain cell connections which can increase feelings of happiness. Think of three to five things you are grateful for from the day such as waking up to the sun shining, a smile from a stranger or finding a parking space.

4. Open up the conversation about mental health and wellbeing.

It’s important to remember that Blue Monday isn’t scientifically proven. It is however a good opportunity to open up the conversation around Mental Health and that’s a real positive.

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